Genealogy Search by MooseRoots

by Graphiq


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MooseRoots provides over 1 billion free genealogical records and supplements them with additional information to provide context about your ancestors’ lives. Our catalogue includes the entire U.S. Census from 1790 - 1940, dozens of state specific collections of Birth and Death records, Marriage and Divorce records, and several rare collections. Use dozens of filters to find the records you are looking for and bookmark them for later.In addition to a large catalogue of records, MooseRoots specializes in supporting content. Depending on the type of record and details available, we include information about the time and location of your ancestor’s life as well as the broader context in which they lived.
★ See the meaning and origin of first and last names, how names have ranked over time and how many newborns they have been given to, population distributions throughout the United States, and ethnic breakdowns of last names.★ Explore the location of your ancestor’s record with snapshots of cities, counties and states from the time of your ancestor’s. Interactive visualizations show demographic breakdowns (age, gender, nationality, population), education levels, urban to rural distributions, and marital status. Over time data also shows how the places of your ancestors have changed. ★ Weather data allows you to see min, max, and average temperatures, and precipitation levels on important days and places in your family's history. All time temperature and precipitation records are also included for locations. ★ S&P500 data highlights the economic eras, booms, busts, and transitions experienced by your ancestors, and insightful narratives provide context to your ancestor’s world. ★ Comprehensive data surrounding all U.S. Presidents provides an overview of who was in office during , domestic politics, foreign politics, notable milestones, approval ratings and election results.